Dental Plaque

Plaque biofilm on and in between teeth surfaces.


It is the sticky, colorless film from bacteria which grows on teeth. It gives your teeth unclear form and also coats the tongue and is most visible when your teeth are not cleaned.


Researches of oral health found that bacteria and inflammation of oral cavity and teeth can also damage another organs especially your heart and also can cause damage of overall health.


Cause of dental plaque:

Plaque formation occurs when bacteria of your mouth contacts sugars and starchy food like milk, juice, pasta and fruit. At this time the bacteria release acids which break carbohydrates in drinks and foods. So brushing your teeth after eating and drinking will prevent the mixture which consists of bacteria, acids and carbohydrates from converting into colorless sticky film which called dental plaque.


Symptoms and complications of plaque:

The major feeling is fuzzy teeth and later you can notice a bad odor of mouth and inflamed gum which is red, swollen, tender that bleeds after teeth brushing.

So you should brush your teeth twice daily and use dental floss one time before bedtime. Otherwise plaque will harden into tartar and only dentists can remove it.

Also you should know that plaque and tartar can lead to these complications:

  • Cavitation of your teeth.
  • Gingival inflammation.
  • Gum disease.
  • Periodontal disease (periodontitis).
  • Teeth decay then teeth loss.
  • Teeth infection (Abscess of teeth at advanced stages).



Diagnosis of dental plaque:

Your dentist uses a manual instrument during regular checkups to find and remove plaque. As it can cause cavities in advanced stages.

Dental plaque prevention and treatment:

Good oral care especially for teeth and gums is major factor for prevention of dental plaque and this is done by:

  • Daily flossing: This is done one time before teeth brushing before bedtime.
  • Fluoride toothpaste: This to prevent plaque causing bacteria and prevent tooth decay.
  • Teeth brushing: At least two times and each time is at least 2 minutes. And it is preferable to brush your teeth after each meal.
  • Sugarless chewing gum: You can chew it between meals to remove remnants of food debris and plaque.
  • Healthy foods: Choose foods and drinks which are not sugary and starchy. Instead, you can eat healthy food like raw vegetables and fruits, cheese and plain yogurt.
  • Regular dental checkups: At least 1 time each 6 months.
  • Mouthwash: Using of mouthwash like antiseptic mouth wash.

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